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Dongxiao Biology won Zhucheng 2023 Enterprise high-quality development Merit Award!

2024-02-18 15:56:38    |    Views:

Tidings of glad tidings

Dongxiao biology won

Zhucheng 2023

Enterprise high-quality development merit award

 Dongxiao Biology won Zhucheng 2023 Enterprise high-quality development Merit Award!(图1)

On February 17, the mobilization meeting for the breakthrough year of Jinan Project for the improvement of cadres' style in Zhucheng 2024 was held. At the meeting, the advanced units and advanced individuals of the comprehensive performance assessment of high-quality development in 2023 were notified. Dongxiao Biotechnology Co., Ltd. was awarded the 2023 Enterprise high-quality Development Merit Award.

 Dongxiao Biology won Zhucheng 2023 Enterprise high-quality development Merit Award!(图2)

At the meeting, Zhang Jianwei, secretary of the Zhucheng Municipal Party Committee, pointed out in his speech that in 2023, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee and the provincial Municipal Party Committee, the whole city has acted as a force, taken up a resolute role, and carried out a number of historical, complex and urgent contradictions and difficulties, and accomplished some practical and important things that lay the foundation, benefit the long-term and win the hearts and minds of the people. We have gone through a journey that has not been easy, unusual or ordinary, and remarkable results have been achieved in all aspects of economic and social development.  Seize the "seven fronts", make good use of the project-oriented grasp, strengthen the big supervision and guarantee, go all out to fight for the economy, hold the bottom line and move forward, and jointly create a better future. 

In the past year, with the strong support of the municipal Party committee and the municipal government, Dongxiao Biology has comprehensively promoted production and operation, technological innovation, reform and management, implemented the company's industrial development, and exceeded the annual task target. In 2024, the company will continue to focus on seven major products including protein milk based powder, solid beverage, new sugar substitute, animal nutrition, starch sugar (alcohol), dietary fiber and organic acid, deepen strategic work deployment, focus on business track, customer-centric, competition-oriented, gather force breakthrough, and continuously enhance the core competitiveness of the enterprise. To contribute to the construction of a strong modern socialist city in the new era.